It gonna be a long long post (: hope that I won't bored you out.
AHHH-NO! MY PRECIOUS PICTURES all gone! Thanks to the computer and I'm currently using laptop. URGHH! Well, I have a bad news. I will be working until the end of March BUT I'm definitely free if you guys call me for an outing. Just let me know earlier okay (;
Let me tell you what I'd gone through within this two months. Like everyone said, working as a nurse is challenging. Indeed, it is so true. Those cute little babies will make your day. But not all alright. I met two kids. (One is 2+ while another one is around 6+). You must be thinking what is so special about them? Adorable la. Uber cute little girl, especially the 2 years old one. She didn't cry when she got injection. She just claim that her hips there got a little pain. Freaking cute! Same goes to the 6 year old plus kid. How many children won't be yelling like shit and let the whole world knows when they're having a jab? It's like 3/100? HAA.
I won't be bored of giving medic and of course to take care of people etc etc. because I know every day is a challenging day. You may touch a life today or a life will touch you. An old lady came to the clinic. Her son was terrible, seriously. When I called her name and when it was her turn, she walked slowly with her tongkat and I went there to help her out. She placed her hand onto me and I can strongly feel that her hand was shivering! Her son said these to me at the same time 'Don't need to hold her, let her walk by herself'. Unfortunately, his word didn't went into my thick thick skull. I feel so pity for her. No matter what, she is still your mum! and she's already 80++. How in the world you can do this to her. Anyone, slap him please. HAA. Afterall, this is not the worst part. There's an old man which is very well-to-do. He owned quite a number of company and his is a healthy old man UNTIL he got stroke just in the sudden. Guess what, he thought he will be leaving soon so, his children called him to get a will. He placed all his aset to his son and daughter! After some time, he's out from hospital BUT he was kicked out from his own house. WTH! HE GAVE EVERYTHING TO HIS BELOVED CHILDREN and now, he own nothing. Not even a place to sleep with... sigh.
Let me ask you a question. 'M I tan?' In my point of view, I'm not tan. Fair enough. (compare to primary and secondary.) I haven't really get a tan that I really wanted. HAA. I met at least 2-3 people in a day who talked to me by using Malay language. (mostly Chinese people.) Guess what, I replied them in malay too. *Bang wall*
Some of them stepped into clinic and stared at me for few seconds.. and I asked, "Yes?"
Their first question was "Doctor ada ke?"
"Ada." I nodded my head.
'你是华人啊?' I smiled as in return.
and they were so paisei!! HAA.
There's another one. She is a maid and this is our conversation..
she :: 'Kau melayu sini ke?'
me :: 'UHH??'
she :: 'Kau dari Indo ke?'
WTH. At that second, I burst out laughing!! I'M A PURE TAN CHINESE wei xD
I will pin the blame on my new haircut and my new specs!
Okay, I think that's all for now. I can't blog more, cause I do think there is a little bit of sensitive issue.hee. I can tell you but definitely not here.
"If touching one persons life is a good thing, then touching one thousands of people's lives must be a great thing"